5 Tips for Keeping your New Years Resolutions in 2020
The start of a new year seems to be the perfect time for a fresh start and a list of goals we want to accomplish for the new year. But many of us struggle to stay consistent with these goals come mid February and by April it seems like our resolutions are totally out the window. 2020 doesn’t need to be that way though! And it’s not as hard as you might think! We have 5 simple tips to help you stick to those New Years resolutions this year.
- Keep your resolutions simple. Coming out of the holiday season is stressful on its own. Whether you’ve been traveling or your kids have been out of school for the break and your normal routine is off; starting the new year with a long list of things you want to improve on and do for the upcoming year can be overwhelming. We suggest choosing 3 specific goals that you want to tackle for the year. If you have a good handle on all 3 mid way through the year you can definitely reassess and add new goals that you want to accomplish for yourself. But don’t overwhelm yourself from the beginning.
- Plan how you will go about accomplishing your goal. Goals without plans are just dreams. You need to have a clear plan on how you will accomplish those goals because when things start to get tough, knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and the difficulties you might face, you'll be better prepared to stick to your resolution and overcome potential struggles.
- Avoid repeating past failures. If you do choose to reach for the same goals you've tried for in the past, spend some time evaluating your previous results. See why your old strategy didn’t work and adjust accordingly. By changing your approach, you will be more likely to see real results this year.
- Remember that accomplishing any goal takes time. Be patient and consistent with your goals. Remember that these old habits took possibly years to develop so it might take weeks months or even years to undo the damage that was done.
- Don’t let set backs discourage you from continuing to accomplish your goals. Keep pushing forward and don’t view your set back as a failure. Take it as a learning lesson.
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